Arkansas Raised Pastured Meats From Us to You!
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Grass Fed Lamb

Raised by our girls right here on our farm. Our girls bottle feed these lambs and when they are old enough we turn them out onto pasture. Grass fed lamb is a not so common meat to eat here in the United States, but truly has a wonderful flavor!

Ground Lamb

Ground lamb is versatile and makes a really great addition to a casserole, or any dish! Our favorite way to cook it...

Lamb Chops

Lamb Chops!!! Thick cut, full of flavor, and ready for your plate! Get your skillet really hot with some butter, and...

Lamb Rib Roast

A roast with part of the ribs attached. Incredibly tender cut when baked or grilled.

Leg of Lamb

Our grass fed leg of lamb. Perfect for a Sunday dinner or having friends over!

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